Winter workout tips

Winter workout

Winter workouts can be tough as winter brings challenges like long night hours and cold weather. In addition, those lazy mornings with warm and comfortable bed makes it less exciting for some people.


But for people who want to maintain good health, exercise is a must. Especially those who are fitness freaks really don’t want to miss out on workout opportunities even when the weather is not much in favor.


So it’s really important that we understand the need for some basic steps that we shall take care of so that winter workouts are effective and fun as well.


Now let’s discuss the points you should take care of while working out in winter-



Winter workout tips
Winter workout tips


1. Make sure the surrounding environment is not too cold

When working out in winter be it a home workout or a gym, make sure proper ventilation is available and also the temperature is appropriate for workouts. If the surrounding temperature is cold then your body will not warm up properly and you won’t be able to do an effective exercise.


2. Wear warm clothes before starting the workout

When you are going for work out then make sure you have layered up proper clothes that keep you warm. Don’t jump into your regular summer workout clothes else your body might catch a cold. Warm up properly and after that when your body is warmed up then you can remove some layers so as to perform workouts effectively. Even then, don’t go overboard with short or fewer clothes.


3. Perform extra warm-up

Warm-ups are a very important part of any workout but specifically in winter, your body requires extra warm-ups. It helps warm your body, and loosen up muscles so that they are ready for exercise.

So, If warm-up is improper, your output won’t be that great.


4. Remove the top layer once the body is adequately warmed up

As already mentioned, make sure you remove some layers from your clothes only when the body is adequately warmed up. This is important because too much layering can actually cause hindrance in your workout and this can also prevent you from performing exercises in proper form.


5. Keep yourself hydrated

Hydrating is as important in winter as it’s in summer. When you work out properly, be it heavy weight lifting or things like power yoga, you will surely sweat out. So keeping your body hydrated is very important. But then also make sure you are not drinking chilled water in winters.


6. Do not take big breaks in-between exercise

Taking breaks in between your exercise be it workout sets or between different yoga postures is very important. This gives proper time for your body and muscles to normalize and also helps in maintaining your heart rate. But big breaks between the sets can make your body a bit cold and again it will take time for your body to get properly warmed up.


7. Start putting up removed clothes 5-10 mins before the workout ends.

Once you are almost done with your workout and it’s time to do some stretching, then start putting on those removed layers back. As your body will start to cool down and you might be still sweaty, so your body might catch a cold.


8. Take a pause before going out in cold.

Once your workout is over, make sure you give a pause of like 5 mins, especially when you are traveling back from outside to your home. This helps your body to normalize and helps in adapting the temperature variation in a better way.


Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion.
Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information.