Foods to avoid before workout

foods to avoid before workout

Eating the right food before a workout gives you fuel to help you deliver your best. Without proper food, you won’t have the required energy to perform your best. That is why is equally important to know the foods that you should avoid before a workout.


Here are the food that you should definitely avoid before a workout


foods to avoid before workout



Foods that are high in fat

High fat food

Food that is high in fat takes time to digest and it should not be consumed before a workout as the body won’t be able to digest them in time to provide you with the required energy. It does not mean that fat is bad for you, it’s just that it should not be consumed before a workout.



High fiber food

High fiber food should be avoided before workout

Foods like broccoli, cauliflower, etc which are high in fiber are hard to digest and can make you feel bloated. That is why high-fiber foods should be avoided before workouts.



Carbonated drinks

carbonated drinks

Carbonated drinks are filled with a lot of sugar but have no nutritional value.  Consuming these before a workout can make you feel bloated and cause a hindrance in your workouts. That’s why carbonated drinks are a poor choice to have before workouts.



Spicy food

Spicy food

Eating spicy food can easily cause indigestion and make you feel uncomfortable.

Consuming spicy food can make you feel uncomfortable and restrict your workout performance.



Dairy food

dairy food

Dairy food is high in fat and is not suggested to be consumed before a workout. These include cheese, milk, yogurt, etc. For some people digesting dairy food items can be tough and it can lead to upset stomach and bloating.



Fast food

Before you start your workout make sure you avoid those tempting pizza, burgers, fries. Fast food is mostly filled with saturated fats and is harder to digest and thus consuming won’t provide that required energy.



You are also read our article on a pre-workout meal to understand the food that should be eaten before a workout.


Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion.
Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information.