Effective weight loss strategy

weigh loss


Whenever you are looking for or planning a weight loss, the best thing you can do is to start acting, stop looking at the results for the initial few weeks/months and think in long term. Thus an effective weight loss strategy is very important so that your weight loss routine is effective.


Start acting means planning out the things that you will be doing to achieve your weight loss and then properly executing them. The good thing about weight loss is that the investment that you will be doing will be on your own body and your own health.


Always keep the below things in mind if you want the most effective weight loss.


effective weight loss strategy


1)Prepare a plan

Plan out an exercise schedule and diet you are going to follow to achieve your goals which contain the required amount of protein, carbs, good fats, and other micronutrients. Make sure you do the things that can be easily followed by you. It can be cardio, weight training, or running, you can choose one thing that you think can help you achieve your goal. Do make any aggressive plan which you can’t keep up for the long term. By this, the goal will never be achieved and you will be wasting your time, money, and efforts.


2)Set Realistic goals

Always set realistic goals. If your goal is beyond your limit or you are following coming that you won’t be able to catch up then most likely you will stop doing it after some time. The best thing you can do is to just start with exercise and diet initially and see how your body responds to those. Try to see what best suits your body and then you can add your goals accordingly.


3)Always plan for the long term

 Long term plan means a diet you can easily follow and a workout schedule you can follow for a long time. If you are planning for a crash diet, exercising for excessive hours then most likely you will not be able to keep up with that in the long run.


4) Keep things simple at the beginning

Don’t run for those fancy diets and exercises. Keep it simple and try with a normal healthy diet which is low in calories and basic exercises. Then eventually based on the results you can keep on adding and removing things.


5)Consult a doctor or dietician if you have some medical condition

Because in such case you might have to follow a different schedule and some different diet and your results will be quite different than others.

This also avoids any complications in your medical condition if you are not aware of what to eat and what things should be avoided.


6) Self-motivation is the key

Make short goals and make those achievements as your inspiration. This is a very effective way to get motivation. When you start with your weight loss and eventually you start to see results. That itself will push you further and keep you motivated to not stop and take things to next level.


7)Add weight training to your exercise routine

Weight training is a very effective way for weight loss. weight training helps you in long-term effects like muscle strength, good body shape, etc.


8) Make sure you improve in your exercises over time.

Be it cardio, weight training, daily running, make sure you are having improvements. If you hit a plateau and you are doing the same thing for some time, your body will get used to it and you will not get effective results.


Rest makes sure you adapt the things in your daily routine that you do for weight loss. In this way, you will surely start seeing results.


Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion.
Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information.