5 ways to avoid sugar craving

Sugar craving

We all have been there when we say we will avoid sugar in our diet but after a day or two, you start craving sugar and want to eat a whole cake. That’s why avoiding sugar cravings becomes a great challenge.


It is very natural for our body to want to eat something sweet every now and then and we can include sweets in our diet as well when we are trying to lose weight but we have to be aware of what we are eating and the quantity.

We crave sugar for a variety of reasons, from hormones to habits to the psychological impact of simply seeing a decadent donut or a drizzle of caramel,” says Marisa Moore, M.B.A., R.D.N., L.D., a culinary and integrative dietitian. Reference – Goodhousekeeping.


These are 5 ways you can avoid sugar craving




If there isn’t enough amount of protein in your diet you will want to have sugar at end of the day. Most of us feel the craving in the evening at that time we can eat a protein bar or eggs to avoid those cravings and this will also keep you full for the longest.


Alternative to sugar

sugar alternate

There are a lot of alternatives to sugar these days. If you want to drink tea or coffee but want to add sugar, try using sugar-free or stevia. At first, you might not like the taste of sugar-free but in a few days, you will start adapting to it. You can also have a small amount of dark chocolate or dates when you feel like eating something sweet.




Fruits are really high in natural sugar which makes them great for someone who is craving sugar. Banana, apple, and berries are high in sugar and will definitely suppress your sugar craving. You can also eat apples or bananas with peanut butter or almond butter.


Balanced meal

balanced meal

It’s very important to have a balanced meal and eat after every 3 to 4 hr to avoid sugar cravings. Your meal should include good fats, protein, micronutrients, fiber, and carbs.




Drinking at least 4 liters of water in a day has helped with sugar craving and losing weight. Some experts say that dehydration can cause caving so drinking water throughout the day might help. You can make it interested by adding cucumber, lemon, mint, strawberry, or ginger to your water.



It might seem difficult at first and it might take many days before you start avoiding sugar in your diet. But it’s better to start making a few changes and see what works for your body. Also, if you eat healthy food and exercise 5 days a week, chances are you won’t get cravings nearly as often. Fill your kitchen with healthy alternatives and don’t buy sugary food or drinks.


Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion.
Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information.